Plugin footprint 83% from 16 tests
Installer Passed 1 test
🔺 Critical test (weight: 50) | It is important to correctly install your plugin, without throwing errors or notices
Installer ran successfully
Server metrics [RAM: ▲0.11MB] [CPU: ▼2.56ms] Passed 4 tests
A check of server-side resources used by Featured Image for Categories and pages.
Normal server usage
Page | Memory (MB) | CPU Time (ms) |
Home / | 3.55 ▲0.08 | 46.74 ▲5.84 |
Dashboard /wp-admin | 3.42 ▲0.12 | 63.05 ▼2.43 |
Posts /wp-admin/edit.php | 3.54 ▲0.18 | 58.22 ▼4.28 |
Add New Post /wp-admin/post-new.php | 6.01 ▲0.12 | 114.56 ▼5.84 |
Media Library /wp-admin/upload.php | 3.35 ▲0.12 | 44.25 ▲2.30 |
HMK Add Images /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=zci-options | 3.29 | 43.86 |
Server storage [IO: ▲0.07MB] [DB: ▲0.00MB] Passed 3 tests
Filesystem and database footprint
The plugin installed successfully
Filesystem: 12 new files
Database: no new tables, 6 new options
New WordPress options |
widget_theysaidso_widget |
can_compress_scripts |
widget_recent-comments |
db_upgraded |
widget_recent-posts |
theysaidso_admin_options |
Browser metrics Passed 4 tests
Featured Image for Categories and pages.: an overview of browser usage
Minimal impact on browser resources
Page | Nodes | Memory (MB) | Script (ms) | Layout (ms) |
Home / | 2,808 ▲8 | 14.84 ▲1.67 | 1.82 ▼0.64 | 49.07 ▼4.73 |
Dashboard /wp-admin | 2,212 ▲12 | 4.83 ▼0.10 | 118.68 ▼5.45 | 42.89 ▼11.78 |
Posts /wp-admin/edit.php | 2,098 ▲6 | 1.99 ▼0.00 | 44.72 ▼1.07 | 46.68 ▲4.02 |
Add New Post /wp-admin/post-new.php | 1,536 ▲2 | 23.37 ▲0.30 | 677.31 ▼71.41 | 54.89 ▲3.34 |
Media Library /wp-admin/upload.php | 1,394 ▲6 | 4.22 ▲0.03 | 108.38 ▼16.74 | 50.81 ▼2.96 |
HMK Add Images /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=zci-options | 816 | 2.02 | 38.98 | 38.74 |
Uninstaller [IO: ✅] [DB: ▲0.00MB] 75% from 4 tests
🔸 Tests weight: 35 | All plugins must uninstall correctly, removing their source code and extra database tables they might have created
It is recommended to fix the following
- This plugin did not uninstall successfully, leaving 6 options in the database
- widget_theysaidso_widget
- widget_recent-comments
- db_upgraded
- can_compress_scripts
- theysaidso_admin_options
- widget_recent-posts
Smoke tests 50% from 4 tests
Server-side errors 0% from 1 test
🔹 Test weight: 20 | Just a short smoke test targeting errors on the server (in the Apache logs)
Please fix the following server-side errors
- > GET request to /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=zci-options
- > User deprecated in wp-includes/functions.php+5463
Function screen_icon is deprecated since version 3.8.0 with no alternative available.
- > GET request to /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=zci-options
- > User deprecated in wp-includes/functions.php+5463
Function get_screen_icon is deprecated since version 3.8.0 with no alternative available.
SRP 50% from 2 tests
🔹 Tests weight: 20 | The single-responsibility principle: PHP files have to remain inert when accessed directly, throwing no errors and performing no actions
Please fix the following
- 1× GET requests to PHP files have triggered server-side errors or warnings:
- > PHP Fatal error
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function untrailingslashit() in wp-content/plugins/hmk-add-images-for-categories-and-pages/hmk-adds-images.php:15
- > PHP Fatal error
User-side errors Passed 1 test
🔹 Test weight: 20 | This is a shallow check for browser errors
No browser issues were found
Plugin configuration 93% from 29 tests
readme.txt 94% from 16 tests
You should put a lot of thought into formatting readme.txt as it is used by to prepare the public listing of your plugin
Attributes that need to be fixed:
- Tags: Too many tags (16 tag instead of maximum 10); only the first 5 tags are used in your directory listing
hmk-add-images-for-categories-and-pages/hmk-adds-images.php 92% from 13 tests
The main PHP file in "Featured Image for Categories and pages." ver. 1.2.1 adds more information about the plugin and also serves as the entry point for this plugin
You should first fix the following items:
- Main file name: Name the main plugin file the same as the plugin slug ("hmk-add-images-for-categories-and-pages.php" instead of "hmk-adds-images.php")
Code Analysis Passed 3 tests
File types Passed 1 test
🔸 Test weight: 35 | There should be no dangerous file extensions present in any WordPress plugin
There were no executable files found in this plugin552 lines of code in 6 files:
Language | Files | Blank lines | Comment lines | Lines of code |
PHP | 1 | 481 | 41 | 415 |
PO File | 3 | 23 | 29 | 98 |
CSS | 2 | 3 | 0 | 39 |
PHP code Passed 2 tests
An overview of cyclomatic complexity and code structure
No cyclomatic complexity issues were detected for this plugin
Cyclomatic complexity | |
Average complexity per logical line of code | 0.34 |
Average class complexity | 0.00 |
▷ Minimum class complexity | 0.00 |
▷ Maximum class complexity | 0.00 |
Average method complexity | 0.00 |
▷ Minimum method complexity | 0.00 |
▷ Maximum method complexity | 0.00 |
Code structure | ||
Namespaces | 0 | |
Interfaces | 0 | |
Traits | 0 | |
Classes | 0 | |
▷ Abstract classes | 0 | 0.00% |
▷ Concrete classes | 0 | 0.00% |
▷ Final classes | 0 | 0.00% |
Methods | 0 | |
▷ Static methods | 0 | 0.00% |
▷ Public methods | 0 | 0.00% |
▷ Protected methods | 0 | 0.00% |
▷ Private methods | 0 | 0.00% |
Functions | 25 | |
▷ Named functions | 25 | 100.00% |
▷ Anonymous functions | 0 | 0.00% |
Constants | 3 | |
▷ Global constants | 3 | 100.00% |
▷ Class constants | 0 | 0.00% |
▷ Public constants | 0 | 0.00% |
Plugin size Passed 2 tests
Image compression Passed 2 tests
All PNG images should be compressed to minimize bandwidth usage for end users
1 PNG file occupies 0.03MB with 0.02MB in potential savings
Potential savings
Compression of 1 random PNG file using pngquant | |||
File | Size - original | Size - compressed | Savings |
images/placeholder.png | 27.87KB | 11.37KB | ▼ 59.19% |