Plugin footprint 81% from 16 tests
Installer Passed 1 test
🔺 Critical test (weight: 50) | The install procedure must perform silently
Install script ran successfully
Server metrics [RAM: ▲2.21MB] [CPU: ▲577.59ms] 25% from 4 tests
An overview of server-side resources used by Deep Core
Please have a look at the following items
- CPU: Try to keep total CPU usage under 500.00ms (currently 1,163.48ms on /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-performance)
- RAM: The total memory usage must be kept under 10MB (currently 13.50MB on /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-options)
- Extra CPU: Extra CPU usage should be kept under 200.00ms (currently 577.59ms on /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-performance)
Page | Memory (MB) | CPU Time (ms) |
Home / | 11.54 ▲8.02 | 105.95 ▲48.48 |
Dashboard /wp-admin | 5.60 ▲2.19 | 1,210.87 ▲1,171.06 |
Posts /wp-admin/edit.php | 5.83 ▲2.19 | 1,145.87 ▲1,104.04 |
Add New Post /wp-admin/post-new.php | 9.18 ▲2.21 | 1,254.40 ▼13.21 |
Media Library /wp-admin/upload.php | 5.56 ▲2.27 | 1,407.33 ▲1,366.01 |
Redux /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=redux-framework | 5.62 | 1,172.51 |
Header Builder /wp-admin/admin.php?page=webnus_header_builder | 5.72 | 1,157.63 |
Wizard /wp-admin/index.php?page=webnus-setup-wizard | 4.73 | 1,174.08 |
Help /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-help | 5.57 | 1,183.72 |
Footer Builder /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=wbf_footer | 5.60 | 1,144.30 |
Options /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-options | 13.50 | 1,294.34 |
Widgets /wp-admin/widgets.php | 7.45 | 1,225.00 |
Plugins /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-plugins | 5.56 | 1,181.24 |
Dashboard /wp-admin/plugins.php?page=meta-box | 5.61 | 1,194.18 |
Performance /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-performance | 5.55 | 1,163.48 |
Server storage [IO: ▲24.60MB] [DB: ▲0.02MB] Passed 3 tests
Filesystem and database footprint
No storage issues were detected
Filesystem: 2,512 new files
Database: no new tables, 26 new options
New WordPress options |
deep_options |
deep_notifications |
widget_deep_youtube_widget |
widget_crtext |
widget_webnustestimonialwidget |
colorful-categories-adbv |
widget_deep_latestreview |
whb_data_frontend_components |
widget_deep_recnet_post |
whb_data_editor_components |
... |
Browser metrics Passed 4 tests
A check of browser resources used by Deep Core
This plugin has a minimal impact on browser resources
Page | Nodes | Memory (MB) | Script (ms) | Layout (ms) |
Home / | 4,540 ▲818 | 16.71 ▲0.69 | 14.24 ▲7.48 | 2.65 ▲0.30 |
Dashboard /wp-admin | 3,384 ▲526 | 6.27 ▲0.14 | 119.76 ▼17.04 | 178.85 ▲18.51 |
Posts /wp-admin/edit.php | 3,185 ▲494 | 3.27 ▲0.02 | 69.78 ▲4.38 | 155.73 ▼37.59 |
Add New Post /wp-admin/post-new.php | 2,251 ▲590 | 25.58 ▲9.21 | 407.19 ▼21.11 | 271.85 ▲111.12 |
Media Library /wp-admin/upload.php | 2,255 ▲557 | 5.85 ▲0.34 | 158.81 ▲17.59 | 200.06 ▲18.81 |
Redux /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=redux-framework | 1,834 | 4.29 | 106.36 | 355.79 |
Header Builder /wp-admin/admin.php?page=webnus_header_builder | 4,715 | 6.43 | 133.53 | 107.63 |
Wizard /wp-admin/index.php?page=webnus-setup-wizard | 2,144 | 5.16 | 126.36 | 309.56 |
Help /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-help | 1,973 | 5.24 | 126.71 | 179.09 |
Footer Builder /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=wbf_footer | 1,792 | 3.41 | 65.88 | 123.75 |
Options /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-options | 12,826 | 8.45 | 197.13 | 322.81 |
Widgets /wp-admin/widgets.php | 3,424 | 32.36 | 641.61 | 221.02 |
Plugins /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-plugins | 1,782 | 3.24 | 67.31 | 177.01 |
Dashboard /wp-admin/plugins.php?page=meta-box | 2,258 | 2.78 | 59.41 | 176.18 |
Performance /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-performance | 1,609 | 5.05 | 87.50 | 201.92 |
Uninstaller [IO: ▲0.00MB] [DB: ▲0.02MB] 75% from 4 tests
🔸 Tests weight: 35 | The uninstall procedure must remove all plugin files and extra database tables
It is recommended to fix the following
- Zombie WordPress options were found after uninstall: 26 options
- widget_deep_youtube_widget
- deep_notifications
- widget_deep_popularposts
- widget_webnussocialwidget
- widget_deep_latestposts
- widget_crtext
- widget_colorful_categories_widget
- widget_webnustestimonialwidget
- whb_data_editor_components
- deep_options
- ...
Smoke tests 25% from 4 tests
Server-side errors Passed 1 test
🔹 Test weight: 20 | Just a short smoke test targeting errors on the server (in the Apache logs)
Even though no errors were found, this is by no means an exhaustive test
SRP 0% from 2 tests
🔹 Tests weight: 20 | The single-responsibility principle: PHP files have to remain inert when accessed directly, throwing no errors and performing no actions
Please fix the following
- 6× PHP files output text when accessed directly:
- > /wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/admin/meta-box/meta-box-core/inc/templates/upload.php
- > /wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/admin/meta-box/meta-box-core/inc/templates/media.php
- > /wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/admin/importer/one-click-demo-import/one-click-demo-import.php
- > /wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/admin/meta-box/meta-box-core/inc/templates/video.php
- > /wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/admin/meta-box/meta-box-core/inc/templates/audio.php
- > /wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/admin/meta-box/meta-box-core/inc/templates/image-advanced.php
- 338× GET requests to PHP files trigger server-side errors or Error 500 responses (only 10 are shown):
- > PHP Fatal error
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function add_shortcode() in wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/components/webnus-core/widgets/about.php:30
- > PHP Fatal error
Uncaught Error: Class 'Elementor\\Widget_Base' not found in wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/components/elementor/widgets/our-process.php:4
- > PHP Fatal error
Uncaught Error: Class 'OCDI\\PluginInstaller' not found in wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/admin/importer/one-click-demo-import/views/import.php:10
- > PHP Fatal error
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function deep_options() in wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/templates/subscribe-bar.php:2
- > PHP Fatal error
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function add_filter() in wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/admin/header-builder/includes/elements/components/frontend/whb-menu-frontend.php:229
- > PHP Fatal error
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_option() in wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/components/dynamicfiles/dyncss.php:3
- > PHP Fatal error
Uncaught Error: Class 'WHB_Helper' not found in wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/admin/header-builder/includes/elements/components/frontend/whb-social-frontend.php:189
- > PHP Fatal error
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function esc_html__() in wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/admin/theme-options/ReduxCore/templates/panel/header.tpl.php:11
- > PHP Fatal error
Uncaught Error: Class 'Elementor\\Widget_Base' not found in wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/components/elementor/widgets/image-carousel.php:4
- > PHP Fatal error
Uncaught Error: Class 'RWMB_Field' not found in wp-content/plugins/deepcore/src/admin/meta-box/meta-box-core/inc/fields/custom-html.php:11
- > PHP Fatal error
User-side errors 0% from 1 test
🔹 Test weight: 20 | This is a smoke test targeting browser errors/issues
These are user-side errors you should fix
- > GET request to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=webnus_header_builder
- > Network (severe)
wp-content/plugins/deepcore//src/components/admin/header-builder/img/header-minimal-blog.png - Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
- > GET request to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=webnus_header_builder
- > Network (severe)
wp-content/plugins/deepcore//src/components/admin/header-builder/img/header-agency2.png - Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
- > GET request to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=webnus_header_builder
- > Network (severe)
wp-content/plugins/deepcore//src/components/admin/header-builder/img/header-magazine.png - Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
- > GET request to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=webnus_header_builder
- > Network (severe)
wp-content/plugins/deepcore/assets/dist/css/frontend/dynamic-style/header.dyn.css?ver=32 - Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
- > GET request to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wn-admin-help
- > Javascript (severe) in unknown
/wp-content/plugins/deepcore/assets/dist/js/backend/help.js?ver=2.1.2 0:224 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener')
Plugin configuration 93% from 29 tests
readme.txt 94% from 16 tests
The readme.txt file is undoubtedly the most important file in your plugin, preparing it for public listing on
These attributes need to be fixed:
- Screenshots: No descriptions were found for these screenshots #1, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9 in deepcore/assets to your readme.txt
deepcore/deepcore.php 92% from 13 tests
The principal PHP file in "Deep Core" v. 2.1.2 is loaded by WordPress automatically on each request
You should first fix the following items:
- Text Domain: The text domain is optional since WordPress version 4.6; if you do specify it, it must be the same as the plugin slug
Code Analysis 97% from 3 tests
File types Passed 1 test
🔸 Test weight: 35 | There should be no dangerous file extensions present in any WordPress plugin
Everything looks great! No dangerous files found in this plugin217,997 lines of code in 1,897 files:
Language | Files | Blank lines | Comment lines | Lines of code |
PHP | 760 | 23,954 | 39,540 | 148,592 |
JavaScript | 377 | 6,807 | 3,478 | 28,586 |
CSS | 540 | 4,619 | 471 | 12,708 |
Sass | 87 | 1,759 | 87 | 12,057 |
SVG | 102 | 83 | 37 | 10,711 |
XML | 11 | 277 | 397 | 3,529 |
PO File | 11 | 514 | 567 | 1,384 |
Markdown | 3 | 79 | 0 | 314 |
JSON | 5 | 0 | 0 | 83 |
LESS | 1 | 4 | 0 | 33 |
PHP code 50% from 2 tests
Analyzing cyclomatic complexity and code structure
These items need your attention
- Cyclomatic complexity of methods should be reduced to less than 100 (currently 334)
Cyclomatic complexity | |
Average complexity per logical line of code | 0.39 |
Average class complexity | 23.04 |
▷ Minimum class complexity | 1.00 |
▷ Maximum class complexity | 477.00 |
Average method complexity | 3.98 |
▷ Minimum method complexity | 1.00 |
▷ Maximum method complexity | 334.00 |
Code structure | ||
Namespaces | 23 | |
Interfaces | 1 | |
Traits | 0 | |
Classes | 537 | |
▷ Abstract classes | 15 | 2.79% |
▷ Concrete classes | 522 | 97.21% |
▷ Final classes | 3 | 0.57% |
Methods | 3,980 | |
▷ Static methods | 801 | 20.13% |
▷ Public methods | 3,070 | 77.14% |
▷ Protected methods | 590 | 14.82% |
▷ Private methods | 320 | 8.04% |
Functions | 255 | |
▷ Named functions | 233 | 91.37% |
▷ Anonymous functions | 22 | 8.63% |
Constants | 148 | |
▷ Global constants | 35 | 23.65% |
▷ Class constants | 113 | 76.35% |
▷ Public constants | 113 | 100.00% |
Plugin size 50% from 2 tests
Image compression 50% from 2 tests
All PNG images should be compressed to minimize bandwidth usage for end users
239 PNG files occupy 1.96MB with 0.63MB in potential savings
Potential savings
Compression of 5 random PNG files using pngquant | |||
File | Size - original | Size - compressed | Savings |
src/admin/theme-options/ReduxCore/assets/img/jquery-ui-bootstrap/ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png | 4.10KB | 4.11KB | 0.00% |
assets/dist/images/bgs/subtle_freckles2.png | 24.09KB | 11.63KB | ▼ 51.74% |
assets/dist/images/theme-options/blog-type3.png | 4.92KB | 2.47KB | ▼ 49.78% |
assets/dist/images/theme-options/menu9.png | 13.91KB | 6.49KB | ▼ 53.34% |
src/admin/theme-options/ReduxCore/assets/img/raw/jquery-ui-bootstrap/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png | 0.10KB | 0.10KB | ▼ 5.71% |